Green coins crypto: an overview of the leading sustainable crypto initiatives

A new revolution is on the horizon within the crypto space: the introduction of sustainable initiatives, Green coins crypto. Many different aspects constitute this change, as it involves not only the consensus mechanisms but also the use cases and underlying hardware that is being leveraged. To understand what makes an initiative a green coin initiative, […]

Eco-friendly crypto: a new wave of innovation flowing from the crypto space

There are many reasons to believe that crypto is not eco-friendly. Many examples have been brought to the table, including the electricity consumption of the Bitcoin network alone. This network is already consuming more than the entire country of Sweden, which has over ten million people. This has not been the only problem in crypto, […]

Green cryptocurrency: the future of decentralized networks?

Why you wanna choose for Green cryptocurrency? Recently, cryptocurrencies have been in a bad daylight. The main concerns are the energy consumption, as well as the hype that crypto has brought. Let’s start with the latter. Through the hype, many people have joined the crypto movement. At first, you could consider this a good thing. […]

GRN coin: more than a sustainable promise

Everything you have to know about the GRN coin. Since the inception of crypto, many different technologies have been brought to the table. Ranging from different use cases to different algorithms and consensus mechanisms. In many cases, however, the push has been for self-enrichment. Many crypto projects proved to be fraudulent, and whitepapers could not […]

The strong growth of sustainable crypto

The strong growth of sustainable crypto is something not to be missed. Not only because it is environmentally friendly, but because of the impressive nature of its success. Since the publication of the report by De Nederlandse Bank, cryptocurrency has been seen as wasting energy. Although the claim that one single Bitcoin transaction equals 402 […]

How to pick the best altcoins to invest in in 2022?

The best altcoins to invest in in 2022 are still those you select wisely. After some challenging times with significant drops, and golden times with exciting upward trends, exploring the subject is worth the effort. For example, you will see that promising altcoins rise quickly, and countless investors speculate on price explosions. Steady cryptocurrencies like […]

Higher returns on promising altcoins

There are so many promising altcoins out there, that you would almost think nothing can go wrong. And yet, you need to keep in mind cryptocurrencies fluctuate significantly, and might even disappear without a trace. Because you don’t want to lose your money on that, you search for the most promising currency coins of this […]

The great promise of crypto coins 2022

Crypto coins are set to grow strongly again in 2022. After a somewhat shaky start at the beginning of this year, Bitcoin still appears to be a stable currency for the long term. In addition, new cryptocurrencies are constantly appearing, such as sustainable and greener platforms and coins. Often with impressive results. Also interesting are […]

Which crypto to buy?

Which crypto to buy? A frequently asked question. It mainly depends on your personal situation. Do you want to see a return as quickly as possible, or do you just want a good sustainable investment? And does it have to be eco-friendly? Of course you want to get to know whether buying crypto will yield […]

Proof of Stake coins enable a push toward a sustainable future

What is important about Proof of stake coins? When it comes to crypto, there have been many inhabitants for adoption. A big reason often mentioned in the mainstream media is electricity consumption. This is an undeniable fact: Bitcoin is consuming more electricity than the entire country of The Netherlands. However, to consider cryptocurrencies inadequate and […]

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